Malign economics, or more
properly its malign political abuse is the cause of the economic and
social problems in the United Kingdom today. Banking crises, civil unrest and
tax avoidance are all symptoms of a far deeper problem: the centralisation of
power and negation of personal responsibility.
Following the publications of
Alfred Marshall’s Principles of Economics
in 1890 and later Paul Samuelson’s Economics
1948, neoclassical ideas have dominated the discipline of economics.
Elegantly embedding mathematics and Euclidian geometry in the study of
political economy, neoclassical economists created a ‘science’ of scarcity. Consumers,
producers and the government are pitted against one another, each performing
nimble calculus under conditions of perfect information, perfect competition,
rationality and unbounded self-interest. The models divorce the economic from
the social and step over the contextual issues which weighed so heavily on the
scholars of classical political economy such as Smith, Marx and Mill.
The illness
Ignoring social institutions and
regarding individuals as mere sumps for utility is a useful abstraction and has
given us many valuable insights. As Mill wrote, ‘the first object in every
practical discussion should be to know what perfection is’. But its application
in public policy has been disastrous. It has led to centralised control,
arbitrary performance targets, obscure tax schedules and welfare dependency. Economics
focuses on the margin and so too has public policy.
For example there are currently
5.4m people in receipt of an out-of-work benefit.[1]Welfare
represents 15% of an ever-growing public expenditure outlay; more than is spent
on education and just less than is spent on health care.[2]This
in itself is just unfortunate. What is ruinous is that there is no link between
social insurance payouts and contributions, no ‘conditionality’. Benefits are
seen by many recipients as simply a lifestyle choice, a right, rather than a
safety net (as in Beveridge’s original conception). A sacrifice principle approach to welfare has bestowed a right
without responsibility, and last August’s riots were a reaction to the
(perceived) withdrawal of this ‘right’. What’s more, there are feedback effects
into other spheres of policy. For example, work by economist Ronald Cummings[3]
has shown that where individuals perceive paying tax as a fair fiscal exchange
they are less likely to avoid/evade. Moral hazard permeates the entire economic
complex if individuals are relieved of responsibility for their actions. The
state spends nearly 50% of gdp and as long as central government is deeply
enmeshed in the provision of local services this proportion will continue to
The cure
Competition is not a state of
affairs but a process of discovery. Price rarely reflects marginal cost and
profit is not exploitation but the signal which drives resources to their best
use. Information is disseminated and no single agency ever has access to all of
it. Those most proximate and most affected are able to make better decisions
than those removed and distant. These are the insights of Austrian economics.
From the insights of behavioural economics we know people are highly
susceptible to cognitive bias and myopia and so are unlikely to act in the
‘perfect’ way the textbooks purport. Together with the work of economists such
as Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum they call for a capabilities approach to
policy. Services should be provided locally and people should be allowed to
compete free from the coercion of technocrats. Above all growth must be allowed
to happen organically, without the short-termist, inevitably unstable
inducements of government.
"Benefits are seen by many recipients as simply a lifestyle choice, a right, rather than a safety net" Evidence for this assertion?
ReplyDelete"A sacrifice principle approach to welfare has bestowed a right without responsibility." Evidence please!?
"last August’s riots were a reaction to the (perceived) withdrawal of this ‘right’." This is just untrue. What did the riots have to do with benefit reform?
You reference the economists you quote but provide zero evidence for the primary assertions you make about the negative effect of "the centralisation of power and negation of personal responsibility." As a result the reader is expected to make the leap between the economic theory of your ideas and supposed practical results. The gap is to large and as such unconvincing.
Who are these people that believe benefits are a lifestyle choice? I presume they the same people who pop out babies with a view to getting child benefit? Unfounded assertions such as these are best left to the daily mail.
Yes there are there are currently 5.4m people in receipt of an out-of-work benefit. I presume you would concede that the vast majority of these people are on said benefits as a result of the credit crunches effect on commodity prices and subsequently the stock market and then the real economy? If welfare spending is 15% of public expenditure then the primary cause has to be the reduction of state intervention (namely the repeal of Glass Steagall and the bomb fire of legislation) and the resulting crisis, not the unquantifiable welfare culture you talk of.
The primary problem with your argument is the enormous leap you make between the idea that the state spending 50% of GDP results in people believing they are relieved of personal responsibility. Where is your evidence for this massive assertion?
p.s I imagine that it is far more likely that tax evasion/avoidance is the result of the Thatcher/Reagan (New Labour) neoconservative, Hayekian consensus, than the state fostering a negation of personal responsibility. Thatcher- "There is no such thing as society....." NL= "We are comfortable with people getting filthy rich.."
ReplyDelete(replied already, not sure it worked). So far as evidence goes one of my references covers one and a piece by policy exchange called 'no responsibilities' covers the either. Easy derision but your ignorance of the evidence doesnt mean there isnt any. So far as the sacfrice principle goes im impressed you'be heard of it, see neill(2000) for what it actually is. And your lame ps: im rejection thatherite neoconservatism. Thats the point. Whats the definition of reactionary again...?
ReplyDelete'you imagine' do you. Facts just cloud the issue?
ReplyDeleteStruggle through the rest of skidelsky and then voice an opinion